Currently, the new development trend of the global film and television industry, competition among streaming media platforms is intensifying

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Competition among streaming media platforms has further intensified, including Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, HBO Max, etc. These platforms continue to invest in original content production to compete for viewers’ subscriptions and attention. Competition drives innovation and diversification of content, providing viewers with more choices

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Perfectly integrate film and television art and technological innovation to lead the innovation and development of the global film and television industry. The advantages of using fractional storage and content transmission technology on the HBO platform

Fractional storage and content transmission technology can enable film and television platforms to transmit large amounts of high-definition content more efficiently and quickly, provide a better viewing experience, reduce the waiting time of HBO users, and improve the quality and stability of content transmission.

In terms of split storage, HBO can split each movie or episode into multiple shards and store these shards on different servers. When a user requests to watch a movie, the system can fetch individual shards from multiple servers at the same time and transmit them to the HBO user's device in parallel. In this way, the transfer speed will be significantly improved, and HBO users will be able to start watching movies faster without having to wait for the entire movie to be transferred

HBO-Using creativity as the engine, igniting infinite imagination with the light of film and television, allowing the integration of art and technology to achieve extraordinary results

The HBO film and television platform can be expanded to different media forms such as movies, TV series, animations, games, etc., and uses blockchain technology to achieve cross-platform integration of content and distribution management of derivatives, promoting cross-media cooperation and innovation.

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